Okay so I started this book - honestly picked it up thinking how happy it would make the love of my life if I could just clean out our closet and office. I have "things" - he thinks it's junk.... I think maybe one day I might NEED that "whatever" and then he'll be glad I saved it so we didn't have to buy it again. Or even better I'll be able to help someone else out who needed something that I had held on to. If you and I are close you know this is a problem - hello did you ever see the closet at work??? I always thought okay it's just a teacher thing but I'm beginning to see maybe not so much. Oh okay back to the book -
"A well known Zen parable tells of a wanderer on a lonely road who came upon a torrential stream that had washed out the bridge. He couldn't swim and was afraid to wade across, so he had to spend several days cutting down trees and vines with his small knife to build a raft. The raft he built was solid, and the heavy raft carried him safely across the flood. On the other side of the bank he thought, "This is a good raft - if there's another stream ahead, I can use it." And so, he carried the raft for the rest of his life."
That's one of those "AH HA" moments for me. I have a closet, office, living room and garage FULL of rafts. Big rafts, little rafts, purple rafts, cute rafts, old rafts - some haven't even been used - just got it "in case" , some expensive - most were on sale lol : ) So now I need to have a raft sale or raft extraction as it were. My life is so full - no just of stuff but - of love and hope and unknown adventures that I don't want to keep hanging on to "rafts". I want to be sure that when the time comes I have the "space" for whatever lies ahead. Garage sale anyone??
Okay, you got me! I have to read this book! I have many rafts that I need to "let go of"..... I love you
Such a great post. I also love the one about you discovering yourself. I really enjoy reading your deep, meaningful thoughts. Keep up the nice work ;)
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