Months ago I wrote about my "issue" with clutter. Not being real with myself - having thought well I dont work now so my house will magically become organized and gorgeous - some of you need to stop laughing now : ) We'll things in "REAL" time dont work that way - AT ALL!! So this is where I tell you it's coming along. Slowly and I mean slowly - I am reclaiming the corners of my home. For some reason I feel the need to have stuff in every corner of this house - really come look - well not really cause I'm not done and you know how it gets when you really clean one area then another area turns into the disaster for you to turn to?? That's kinda our house at the moment - LOL just kidding - kinda - just dont go into the office!
So here's my pic of the newest corner I have overcome. For some of you, this looks like a normal event - a clean, uncluttered corner of a bedroom. OH but NO!! This is huge in the life of Mandy and poor Shane. I'm making it sound bad I think - our house is not dirty there's just "stuff" everywhere. I dont like to get rid of anything. In fact Shane and I have had to work on him asking me if I want to "keep this or that." Little hint - my answer will always be yes! If I think that someone might need that for some art thing or school thing or just what if project I will keep it - for YEARS!!!!!!! YEARS!! So slowly I have been going through closets - 6 bags of clothes later - ummm yeah just my clothes - 4 bags of toys - 3 bags of baby items - 2 boxes of dishes - 1 huge box of books and a partridge in a pear tree. It's a win win. I'm getting back "order" in my life and hopefully before it's too late to teach it to my kids and helping out others who don't have things they might need as all items are in good shape and taken to local outreach programs. It's a process but I'm getting there : ) Thank goodness my hubby is loving and understanding and hasnt thrown my stuff out long before now! Happy sorting friends!!
8 years ago
Good for you! What's the measurement..."Do you love it? Do you need it? Can't live without it?"
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