Okay let me start this with... we are fine - no one was hurt in the making of this blog report HOWEVER.... someone should have been. Okay so we have had a busy but kinda normal day. Grace had school, Alex had 15 month check up ( he's good - big and tall!) then Grace had ENT check up ( tubes are out hearing is good! ) Grace had dance at 6:30 and this is where the story begins or police report as it were. So 6:30 drop Grace off at dance and swing by Shane's work to get some love and a diet coke he he. Alex and I hang out there for about 15 min just visiting with Shane and enjoying we each other a little bit. So, kisses given - Alex and I head home it's about 6:55. I turn onto our street to see someone - male or female not really sure - wearing all black and carrying a flashlight walk into my back yard - I KNOW!! RIGHT?? WHAT THE????? SO I stop kinda shocked. It's late - dark - I have Alex in the car???? So I call Shane - no answer ( he was on a call) so I sit for a few more moments thinking surly they will come back out - nothing! So I call 911. Which I kinda felt like I was going to get in trouble for doing to be honest - but I did it anyways. Dispatch comes on - what's your situation??? I explain and she transfers me to the LaPorte dispatch - by now I'm thinking I hope Shane's not on a call cause he'll hear this over the radio - not a good thing. So now I'm talking with the lady from LP dispatch and telling her the person is STILL back there. I'm parked in the street cause I dont want to pull into the driveway not knowing what they are doing or what they have - plus I want to see if they come out. It felt like 10 minutes - not sure how long it was and next thing I know the EMS explorer turns the corner and Shane jumps out. By now the intruder has come out of the back yard and is walking down the sidewalk and then SHE turns and starts walking towards Shane. It's a LADY walking around in all black with a flashlight going in peoples backyards..... all the while the dispatch lady is talking to me and asking me who it is if I know her on and on and on - I explain my husband heard this over dispatch and he had arrived before the police - she wanted to know who my husband was - sorry honey - hope you dont get in trouble : ) She knows him and sounded relived to have him on scene - I know I was. Come to find out the lady had lost her cat - her flipping cat and was walking around trying to find him. Seriously - doesnt she know this is Texas - people shot first and then ask questions later. By the time the cops got there all was fine - she kept walking looking for her cat - Shane had to return to his own call - he left when he heard our address over dispatch with unknown male in backyard come across the radio - poor thing! She gives a new meaning to the CRAZY CAT LADY!!! What were you thinking????
8 years ago
I would have had a flippin' heart attack! Poor you--and poor SHANE!
I am right there with you Kristi..... I am glad everyone is safe.... SUTUPID LADY
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