Thursday, September 25, 2008

Squeeze my heart moment

As so many of us have been touched by IKE, one of Gracie's friends at school lost everything - everything! They now live with his grandparents while they try to get their life back together. The school is trying the best they can to help all the families who are "without." So they came up with a coin drive idea - the class who raises the most gets an ice cream party. And yes for those of you who know Grace well, know she's lactose intolerant so too much ice cream REALLY hurts her tummy. So Im thinking we'll give some coins and "do our part" but an ice cream party is not going to get her going.
Well Grace comes home today first thing - after meeting Daddy at work for lunch  - and goes straight to her room. Due to the window unit being in the living room (still no power) and the back of the house staying pretty warm she hasn't been spending much time back there so I thought it odd. She comes out with her hands full of quarters. I ask "what are you doing with those?" She tells me she wants to go through her piggy banks and get all these "big ones" out for the kids who lost their house and power and stuff. It's about nap time so I get Alex down and then join her in her room where she has dumped all 3 of her piggy banks out and is sorting money like a mad woman. I sit down with her and explain the value of each coin - want her to know how much she's giving - she's been saving for 5 years now (okay well 4 years and a day) lol She says she understands and wants to give the "big ones" because they can help more.

We sit together and put all the quarters in a bowl and keep all the others together in a different bucket. As we sort, she asks what the money will be used for - I explain that a lot of people lost things in their homes like beds, toys, clothes etc and some even lost their house so the money will help get them new things. That's when I really stepped in it a little, I told her how proud I was that she wanted to help and that Daddy and I would match whatever she decided to give - thinking $5 or maybe even $10.
Now this is the same girl who 2 weeks ago wanted to buy her baby brother a birthday gift with HER money ( $4 ) and I told her I'd match her amount so she could have more options of what to by so now $8. She thought a moment and said well then I'll just use $2 of my money then. lol - crack me up!!
Well I haven't told Shane yet but we are in the hole for $34.25. Who knew she had that much in quarters - and wants to give them ALL cause "she really wants to help the kids who don't have their things anymore."

So here's the challenge for Grace -
Lets see how many quarters you are willing to give ( or nickle, dimes, dollars or pennies) or if you want to match her amount as well.  Let see if we can show Grace what love and compassion looks like in the form of change. 

My disclaimer:
Please let me add that I know we all have so many friends, family and co workers who have lost so much due to IKE.   My heart goes out for them in their lose and I pray they get back to "normal" life as soon as possible. This just touched my heart and I felt like it's an awesome lesson for Grace to continue to learn though her loved ones. Please do not feel obligated to participate or even reply with regrets. We are all helping where we can - just thought this would be a good place to help if you didn't know where to help.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It's the night before Grace turns 5 - f i v e!! When did the time move so quickly? I cant believe she's 5 - granted she acts like she's going on 25 - lord help us - but really my baby girl is going to be 5. Before the storm hit, I was trying to get all her old pics uploaded but didnt have them all done before we had to leave - not all her 1st year was on CD. So I'll post the slide show of what I have so that you can see how she's grown over the years! What can I say about my precious Gracie Mae??? She's a tough little cookie! She was born on Sept 24th, 2003 at 8:25 pm. 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 3/4 in long. She was a little doll baby! She gave us some scares during the labor part, she was playing with her cord making her heartrate drop. My doc was funny about it - she said don't worry I'll spank her when she comes out. But after 12 hours of labor there she was - perfect! We have grown up together - truly. I have learned just as much from her as she has from me - and continue to do so. All I have ever wanted for her was to be a good mom - to try to do the best by her at all times. Have I come up short... sometimes - sure we all have. I do not aim for perfection. I do not think there is such a thing as "perfection" in anything. You can always be BETTER! My goal is to strive to be the best mom to her ( and Alex) that I can be - however that may look. What I have seen over the past five years:
smiles of new discovers, cries of worry, giggles of silliness, hugs of love, zoo trips of wonder - remember those ducks who bit her feet, doughnut Sundays with PawPaw - who forgot to wipe away the evidence, playing in boxes, loving the BUBBLE WRAP!, ducks, ducks and more ducks, visits to Virginia, swimming in Aunt Dawn's pools, first night in her own bed - 11 months old - I know right!!, sign language until she realized what her voice was for, her "Gracefulness", ladybugs and Miss Spider, washing the car with Daddy, road trip to NC - long long trip!!!!, John Deere, 2 parties for her 2nd birthday - thanks RITA : ( picking out pumpkin in the pumpkin patch, Old Mac farm, cooking in the kitchen, running from the cats, playing with her cousins, starting daycare - oh the tears mine not hers, singing Brown eyed Gurl - i know it's Girl but that's not how she says it!, "That not dood", learning to ride a bike - one word duck tape, ice cream and Kayci, Ringling Brothers, Halloween as an angel but telling people she was the tooth fairy - she couldn't remember - so funny!, dancing as a duck, bear, bride, clown and alien, learning she was going to be a big sister, seeing her eyes light up around Alex, going to Daddy's work, starting PreK, learning about God - so many questions - my fave is the one about what God sounds like - off track but so worth it
One day Grace wanted to know what God's voice sounded like. I told her that I thought His voice sounds different to different people (safe answer right??) So I asked - what does it sound like to you?? Thinking maybe she'd say the wind or a bird or bear???? NO! She said "Well, when I pray to God and ask Him to clean my room, he doesn't talk to me OR clean my room!"
that's the kind of stuff she comes up with - see why she's just so cuddly cute! I could go on and on about the joy, love and excitement she has brought to my life - but I will end with this. I knew I was meant to be a mother, my whole life - and God made it possible for her to be my gift. She is my saving Grace! When you have a baby people always say... You just wait, things are going to change once that baby comes. They are right! I don't know why I always thought it was a bad thing. She has changed my life. I am a better person for having and knowing her! Our family would not be the same without that wonderful little girl laying next to me right now - no power all sleeping in living room lol!
So I am grateful and honored to be the mother of Miss Virginia Grace. She challenges me, educates me and loves me to the moon and back!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two for One!

It's a big day in the Wright house!  Alex started walking!!  He was so cute!  He's been trying to walk for a few weeks now but I quickly pulled him to a seated position due to the fact I think it would have broken Daddy's heart to not see those first steps.  So last night he took one step.  That was exciting - PawPaw and Meemaw where here too along with Shane, Grace and me. And then today he took 5 - 8 steps at a time for like 30 mins.  Shane was home and in fact that's who Alex walked to the first time!!  Yay Bubba!  We all cheered and clapped and he was lovin it!  Wow how time flys!

And then to celebrate the big event - well okay we were getting Chips and Cheese before the big event took place but still - we had ice cream cones. Now on his actual birthday, Meemaw gave him a few bites of ice cream on his usual cone and he LOVED it! But today Daddy gave him his very own cone with ice cream inside it. He torn that thing apart!! His poor little face was red from the cold but he just wanted "more - please."

Blog sweet Blog : )

We are home - we are safe - we have power  - and we have internet : )  What an experience we had with IKE - and here's the kicker - we were prepared.  We've had a evac box filled with food for months - really months.  So we just added a few extra things, a bag of toys for the kids, 1 suitcase full of clothes for us all and we were ready to go.  We gassed up when we were told to gas up, we got out of dodge when they told us to get out of dodge - only the fence is worse the wear since IKE.  I took pics of the events as they unfolded and will add them in once I have a chance to upload them all.  My many thanks to: Stephanie and Mike for everything they did for us as we evacuated and returned and to Mom and Dad Wright for taking care of us until the City of LaPorte returned my husband : ) That's right... they did finally return Shane to us safe and sound for 48 hours - wow!!!! Life is getting back to "usual" - Grace will start school again on Monday.  Shane will go back to his "normal" work schedule as of Friday.  We found some milk, eggs and butter today and some frozen item yesterday on a trip out to Friendswood.  We saw so many people who have lost so much - my heart hurts for them all.  I just hope that the total lose were objects and not human life.  I do not understand the mindset of all those who thought the house was more vaulable than life.  Hope you are all safe and that power is restored very very soon to you all still without!!!  

This is the welcome we got when we entered the Shearton in the Galleria - nice right!! Not candy on the pillow but I cant complain. We were on the 12th floor and yes we felt the building move when the winds were going!!! Yikes IKE!

Alex exploring - loved the slippers and robe!! He was such a big boy - even though this silly storm made him miss his 1st birthday party : (

Grace and PK enjoying the power and cartoon network! They played so well together!!! Considering they are 4 years old stuck in a room for 3 days - they were wonderful!!!!

Calm before the storm! Isnt that a beautiful sunset? It was weird, we kept waiting for the storm to hit - it finally did around 1 am. We kept power the whole time - water came off and on but power stayed!

Our evacuee bling bling! We had to wear these so the hotel would know who belonged there and who was there for trouble.

Can you say stir crazy???? The kids were attacking Mike. After 2 full days of being stuck in the room, we thought - hey the Galleria is open - let's go get out and ease some of this stress - yea not so much. All the crazy folk had the same idea. WOW - let's just say the stores were not opened to shop minus a few like the candy store which of course we had to go into cause the ice cream line was way too long, the food shops - yummy mexican food for lunch and oh yeah this REALLY expensive chrystal store with tons of breakable items everywhere - Steph thought it'd be funny to take the kids in just to see the reaction we'd get from the shop owners - wrong I know but so tempted -we got a good laugh at least : ) hehehehe

Okay so this is the really cool radio that Shane got from work this Christmas. It's a light/radio/phone charger. It get's FM/Am and some tv stations. So I had a great idea the day we were home with no lights - ie no TV for updates - I tried to find a tv station to listen to. I could only get one station - wanta guess which one???? HSN - that's right the home shopping network. What are the odds. Even IF I wanted to buy those beautiful ruby encrusted gold butterfly earrings fate was laughing at me with no power and no phone!!!!

All in all this is all that matters - we are safe, we are together and we are smiling!!! Love to all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike is not playing nice!

I dont like IKE!  I am sitting in the office with all the windows boarded up - thanks to my love who came home for a few hours to get the house together before he went back to saving lives in good ol LP. - on work day number 6 - I might add - straight - poor baby.  Wondering where this silly storm is going to hit.  We were told as of 11 am this morning we HAD to evacuate.  Well Shane HAS to stay and work - so that leaves me and the kids.  Kristi and James had us taken care of in Brenham which was the plan we were going to take and then David and Patty had her sister ready for us in Willis and then David and Jody had room for us in Sagen and the Steph and Mike had room for us in the Galleria and Mom and Dad in Crosby.  After weighing it all out with Shane we are going to go to the Galleria tom at 3:00.  It's a suite so there's lots of room and PK and Grace can play.  Shane really felt relieved as we would be closer to him if we needed him to get to us. He has a brave face and strong front but it's killing him to not be with us during this uncertain time.  Anything I can do to ease his mind a little is the least I can do.

      You know if they get this right about the storm, they are reporting 20 foot storm serge.  Now yes, I know it is not a perfect science and you can never tell where it's going to hit.  But I have a feeling we are in for a bumpy ride.  The wind and rain of a Cat 3 is do-able it's the storm serge that has me so concerned.  I know we  - the kids and I - will be okay in Houston but to leave my husband behind... knowing the danger he could face.  The house, the things in it - they are just things.    Everything can be replaced.  I went through Rita with Grace. It wasn't hard to leave Crosby to drive 14 hours to Dallas - I had my Grace.  I was good.  But now my "family" is more than just Grace and me.  Now I have Shane and Alex and Grace and me.  It's hard to leave without the other piece of the puzzle that makes us work so well. 
      I have faith that God will keep His angels around us all during this storm.  Keeping us safe and guiding us out of harms way.  I pray for peace and comfort for those that have to leave loved ones behind - and for those who must or choose to stay behind and for safety to all who encounter IKE in any direction. This storm is huge 450 miles wide.  Many thanks to all the friends and family who offered shelter to my kids and me.  There are no words for the kindness and love I felt.  We will keep you posted from the Shearton until Monday.  Stay safe!  For our family who is choosing to stay behind - reminder - axe and life jackets upstairs!  You are welcome to join us at any point!!!  We love you!  See you all Monday!!!  

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

He's ONE!!

Today's the day - he's 365 days old today! Oh I could just eat him with a spoon! How blessed we are to have such a sweet hearted, funny little man join our family. We have had a laid back kind of day. Woke up to Happy Birthday being sung by Mommy and Sister. Ate his fave - blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Took "Bubba" to school and then came home and played with cousin Fisher and Mommy. We got lots of calls and texts from family and friends wishing the birthday boy wishes. Nap and then got "Bubba" back from school. Figured we get another fave for lunch - so Mac D's it was for french fries... I know but it's his birthday cut me some slack! For the rest of the day we've all played and enjoyed our time together. Tonight I think we are going to eat at the "Bull" aka "Chips and Cheese" so he can have his beans that he loves and top it off with an ice cream cone - maybe even with ice cream in it this time - we'll see??? He did have whole milk today and seems to be doing fine with it - I mixed it half and half with his formula. His party is set for Sat but with Ike coming in we're watching the weather channel close. What an amazing and joy-filled year we have had as a family. It has been so wonderful watching Grace and Alex bond. To see Shane cuddle with this little man makes my heart skip a beat. To have him put his head against mine and hum as he pats my back - Alex not Shane lol. To see him learn something new for the first time. To watch him as he studies something until he has that "ah ha" moment. To witness the tears of pain, sadness, frustration, hunger, and joy. To be able to love, nurture and teach this precious GIFT. I am amazed-and we are truly blessed!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A year of JOY!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What a year : )

Countdown - 6 days and counting....

A year ago I was 18 months expecting lol okay just 37 weeks - it FELT like 18 months some days though.  We had made our 4th trip to the hospital for eval due to my blood pressure and we were VERY busy planning Gracie's 4th birthday party.  At the  end of the 10 hours hospital stay it was decided that on Sept 10th - not the 11th like they wanted, Alex would be born.  I felt like if we were to pick his birthday - 9/11 was not the day to pick - so anyways.  I was told to rest  - no more work and no stress - lol 4 year olds birthday party the day I am to be induced.  And for those of you wondering  - no the 9th is not Gracie's birthday.  Knowing Alex might come early we thought it best to make sure Grace got her own special day - little did we know he'd come that early.  So on Sept 9th at 2:00 we had a Home depot party for Gracie Mae.  Yes, Home Depot for Grace.  She was obsessed with going to Home Depot with Shane.  It was her and Daddy time.  So Shane pulled some favors from some old friends and got kits from Home Depot, aprons and all.  It was great!!!  The cake was cute - we made tool shaped gummies as favors and made her cake too.  So the party was.... fast.  We planned to do the woodworking kits in the garage with fans - hot hot and hotter!!  SO we skipped the painting part - not the best thing to do for the kids but time was short, weather was hot and I was HUGE.  So kits done, gifts opened, cake eaten.... time for hospital.  We gave lots of loves to Grace - she got to spend time with Gran and Paw for a few days - I packed for the hospital and went to get a pedicure - hey the doctor said to relax ; ) 
We checked into St Luke's at 7:00 pm.  Quiet night nothing happened.  Next morning - Sept 10th - all went well - Alex joined us at 3:15 pm ( you thought I was going to go into detail there didn't ya  - not so much ) Happy healthy baby boy - 8 lbs 2 oz 21 in long.  
So what has the last year held....
good snuggles, contagious laughter, a few months of tears in the car  - not being able to see -  daddy figured out if he drove fast Alex didn't mind the car so much - sleeping through the night at 8 weeks : ) , sleeping in bassinet by 10 weeks - and out grew it the next week lol - almost!  Watching his face light up the minute he heard "Bubba"  - aka Grace.  "dance, dance" at the sound of any music, first bath - oh the tear : ( , first bite of baby food - first bite of big boy food : )   humming when happy, falling asleep on his own, magic blanket, new teeth, first plane ride, first ice cream cone - minus the ice cream, turtle outfit for 1st halloween - loved that thing, first days at Kindercare ; (  they were wonderful - mommy just had issues lol who could leave that sweetie for hours and hours???, trip to the zoo - huge fan of monkeys, learning to roll, crawl, stand...., hearing him say mama, dada and bubba, seeing him sign more, please, finished, alex, passy and now touchdown  - too cute!!  chasing balls and Grace anywhere he could go, johnny jump up, easter egg hunt at church - ok so he just watched Grace but he was cute doing it with those big bunny ears,  big loves and slobber kisses, food tricks, Smokey and C.C. chases, blueberry anything, snowcone bites, playing with cousins, giggling at being told "NO" - that could be trouble, learning to climb sister's chair, pot and pans, slip and slide - not a huge fan I might add, being outdoors, 1st trip on PawPaws boat, doughnut shop with sister new found fave, french fries, wagon rides, books to read or chew - both work fine, oh - brushing his teeth just makes his day - hope that holds true for life,  molar balloons - good grief he loves those things, bubbles, watching things "work", making me fall in love with my family more and more every day!!!  Cant wait to see what next year has in store.