Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gotta have RAIN if you want RAINBOWS

I tend to not got on here when what's going on in my life is not sunshine and giggles - or at least close to that. You can see the pattern Im sure if you go back. So this post will be as sunny as I can make it and please read it as such. Most everyone now has figured out something is a miss health wise with me these day. Still no answers but walking in that direction. Thank you for the prayers and support - they seem to come in at the right time to lift me that little bit I need at the right moment. So far what we do have figured out is that I do not have Lupus as once thought and treated. But that's about it. I am still having pretty poor feeling days and hope this will fade off like it has in the past in the near future. However this time I will require more info instead of just being thankful the symptoms have left.
Quick catch up incase you haven't been caught up. At 20 I was diagnosed with Lupus and treated for it for about 3 years. Had Grace went into remission and stayed that way for a few years. About 3 years ago started feeling these different symptoms (numbing of face, neck, back, weakness in limbs, headaches and fatigue) and went to the same doctor who treated me for Lupus. He informed me that either the Lupus was in complete remission or I had been misdiagnosed and had something in the autoimmune family and just had to wait for more symptoms to pop up. He ran mRI and blood work - no answers just glad I started to feel better. Fast forward to now - same symptoms coming back as 3 years ago just stronger and a little bit scarier this go round. Blood work is clear, MRI clear - back to no answers to the main questions but have cleared up what it's not rather than what it is.
For the most part I'm good - I have had a day or two where I was a tad grumpy but I'm trying my best to keep positive about this whole thing. I'm not all doom and gloom - I've come a long way in 10 years lol! Whatever it is will not beat me! I have a wonderful support system and I am learning to use them : ) I have found what looks to be a fantastic doctor that I will go see on Wednesday. Im sure many of you are wondering what can I do? How can I help? And that's because you love us. SO for that thank you! All I know to ask for is prayers and encouragement through this all. We will be great! I have Faith!
What I've learned in the past 3 weeks:
1. You never really understand how amazing the body is until it stops doing what you need it to do.
2. If you allow the "Whys" to run free in your head, you'll need more than a few blood test ran. : )
3. You know people love you but it's times like these that you KNOW people love you.
4. Sometimes the plans we have mapped out for us are not the paths we are to follow.
5. Family is NOT just blood!!!
6. There IS a GOD!!! And HE is AMAZING!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Party time

It's been a few weeks since I've blogged to I thought I'd type a bit. Tonight I went out with the ladies for some Bunko fun. I really enjoy going - this was my 3rd time to be a part of this group and what fun!! Tonight I even won most Bunkos : ) yay me! With me gone, that left Shane home with the kiddos. They ate pizza for dinner and the smell of pop corn hit me the moment I walked in the door so I do believe fun times were had by all. Grace was excited for "date night" with Daddy but was a little grumpy that I was going out "again!" - yes yes I know 3 times in 3 months is a bit much but what can I say I am a party animal like that. As I walked into the quite house all are sleeping sound. It's nice to have a quite full house! The weekend is pretty full with baby showers, birthday parties and school projects with Grace. Looking forward to the family time we'll have and hope to take it easy :)