Wednesday, September 10, 2008

He's ONE!!

Today's the day - he's 365 days old today! Oh I could just eat him with a spoon! How blessed we are to have such a sweet hearted, funny little man join our family. We have had a laid back kind of day. Woke up to Happy Birthday being sung by Mommy and Sister. Ate his fave - blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Took "Bubba" to school and then came home and played with cousin Fisher and Mommy. We got lots of calls and texts from family and friends wishing the birthday boy wishes. Nap and then got "Bubba" back from school. Figured we get another fave for lunch - so Mac D's it was for french fries... I know but it's his birthday cut me some slack! For the rest of the day we've all played and enjoyed our time together. Tonight I think we are going to eat at the "Bull" aka "Chips and Cheese" so he can have his beans that he loves and top it off with an ice cream cone - maybe even with ice cream in it this time - we'll see??? He did have whole milk today and seems to be doing fine with it - I mixed it half and half with his formula. His party is set for Sat but with Ike coming in we're watching the weather channel close. What an amazing and joy-filled year we have had as a family. It has been so wonderful watching Grace and Alex bond. To see Shane cuddle with this little man makes my heart skip a beat. To have him put his head against mine and hum as he pats my back - Alex not Shane lol. To see him learn something new for the first time. To watch him as he studies something until he has that "ah ha" moment. To witness the tears of pain, sadness, frustration, hunger, and joy. To be able to love, nurture and teach this precious GIFT. I am amazed-and we are truly blessed!