Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike is not playing nice!

I dont like IKE!  I am sitting in the office with all the windows boarded up - thanks to my love who came home for a few hours to get the house together before he went back to saving lives in good ol LP. - on work day number 6 - I might add - straight - poor baby.  Wondering where this silly storm is going to hit.  We were told as of 11 am this morning we HAD to evacuate.  Well Shane HAS to stay and work - so that leaves me and the kids.  Kristi and James had us taken care of in Brenham which was the plan we were going to take and then David and Patty had her sister ready for us in Willis and then David and Jody had room for us in Sagen and the Steph and Mike had room for us in the Galleria and Mom and Dad in Crosby.  After weighing it all out with Shane we are going to go to the Galleria tom at 3:00.  It's a suite so there's lots of room and PK and Grace can play.  Shane really felt relieved as we would be closer to him if we needed him to get to us. He has a brave face and strong front but it's killing him to not be with us during this uncertain time.  Anything I can do to ease his mind a little is the least I can do.

      You know if they get this right about the storm, they are reporting 20 foot storm serge.  Now yes, I know it is not a perfect science and you can never tell where it's going to hit.  But I have a feeling we are in for a bumpy ride.  The wind and rain of a Cat 3 is do-able it's the storm serge that has me so concerned.  I know we  - the kids and I - will be okay in Houston but to leave my husband behind... knowing the danger he could face.  The house, the things in it - they are just things.    Everything can be replaced.  I went through Rita with Grace. It wasn't hard to leave Crosby to drive 14 hours to Dallas - I had my Grace.  I was good.  But now my "family" is more than just Grace and me.  Now I have Shane and Alex and Grace and me.  It's hard to leave without the other piece of the puzzle that makes us work so well. 
      I have faith that God will keep His angels around us all during this storm.  Keeping us safe and guiding us out of harms way.  I pray for peace and comfort for those that have to leave loved ones behind - and for those who must or choose to stay behind and for safety to all who encounter IKE in any direction. This storm is huge 450 miles wide.  Many thanks to all the friends and family who offered shelter to my kids and me.  There are no words for the kindness and love I felt.  We will keep you posted from the Shearton until Monday.  Stay safe!  For our family who is choosing to stay behind - reminder - axe and life jackets upstairs!  You are welcome to join us at any point!!!  We love you!  See you all Monday!!!