The other day I was given such a sweet compliment from my Mom and Dad (in law) - they suggested I should write children's books. They had been reading my blog and had talked about it and thought that would be a good fit for me. As truth be told, I have written 2 both of which my college professor suggested I have published but the what if's came creeping in and nothing was ever done with them. Of course my parents thought the same thing but they are my parents they are supposed to think anything you do is a masterpiece. And I come up with ideas for another book every few months or so. And nothing. I'd like to just think it's lack of follow through on my part and be done with it but it's not - that's the easy way out. What am I so afraid of? I'm up for the challenge - let's see what comes of it!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
That's kinda "it"
5 days and counting.... There are 5 days left until the big day of 2008 (as far as the kids go that is) and it's 80 degrees outside - Shane and Grace are outside washing the van in shorts as I type - crazy. Shane and I got most the the gifts wrapped yesterday and they are now all around the tree making the living room that much merrier. Grace continues to enjoy our Elf Sammy each day - for the most part Elf on the Shelf has been a wonderful new tradition for our family. Alex even likes looking for him when Grace is looking first thing. Christmas this year will be a little different for the kids. Alex is so little he will be fine - heck give him a box, bow and some paper to tear and take back the gifts lol. Grace on the other hand is a different matter. No one likes to think of their child as spoiled but ours is - as are her parents. Do we have the best of the best and 2 of everything - NO! However we are not lacking the the "things" department either. We now save up when we want something which is much better than how we did it a few years ago and just charge whatever the "want" for the moment was. It's been an eye opener and to be honest the only reason I have been able to stay home with the kids is this new way we look at money - that being said - back to Christmas 2008. Some of you know I started Christmas shopping in October - had to make the whole budget thing work in our favor - and it did! We spent a third of the money we would have spent had I started shopping in December - so yay us! We drew names on both sides of the family this year which was WONDERFUL!!! If not that would have been 16 kids not counting ours - Alex made the 10th grandchild in both Shane's and my family. When we got started shopping for our kids we just looked for things they like and bought them if the money was there for them - that's where we are doing things a little different. Our first year together Grace got so many things!! Shane would come home from work with something for her and the same day I'd come home with something too - it was overkill and she loved it - and so did we!! The next year was more of the same - we started with an amount and then spent well over it by the time it was done. So this year we set an amount and we stayed true to the amount - but it be honest they both still have so much stuff - shopping and sales are a passion of mine - love to find a bargain!! So we are pleased that they will have a good Christmas - toy wise - but we worry about what the message we are sending. We worry what if they still are not happy with what they get?? And this is not even to bring into account the fact for the last 2 years we have cleaned out toys that have been played with 1 maybe 2 times from Gracie's room to make room for more stuff!! We would like to teach the kids that less is more, it's the little things in life that matters, things dont make you happy, be grateful for what you have and at Christmas the reason we celebrate is Jesus not Santa. The challege is not the lesson, it's when and how to teach it. Now Alex, ummm yes we, know he's too little but you cant "DO" for him and have Grace understand that. And with Grace she remembers the past few Christmas' where toys were everywhere and all the list was fulfilled and then some - so do we just continue to give and give with the hopes that the words we say will have more impact than the bright pick gem encrusted Hannah Montana mic?? So this year we are starting a new tradition as far as Santa goes. A friend of mine gave us this idea because we were struggling with how to make it work and Carrie's family tradition was awesome. Santa gets to bring the best fun gift to each child and then a group gift for both kids to enjoy. We are not trying to take Santa out - we know the magic he brings to the season and enjoy it! But we also want to focus a little more on the reason behind Christmas. Grace and Alex will get 3 gifts from us this year because on the very first Christmas day when Jesus was born He got 3 gifts. We want our children to enjoy the holiday and create moments with them that will make them smile warm fuzzies for years to come. I can not remember many of the gifts I got from any of my Christmas' but I do have the memories. So as a child I think maybe it will be hard to adjust to this new way and I'm dealing with that - hoping we are not ruining Gracie's idea of what Christmas looks like to her. But as a parent of 2 wonderful loving children, I dont want the focus to be on the things they get - all be it wonderful - it's the people, spirit and memories shared at this time of the year that we need and are trying to focus on. Grace and I have talked about this already - dont want to blindside the poor child on Christmas morning and she's very reasonable. Her view was this... "it's okay if Santa thinks Im a big girl. I can think more about Jesus at Christmas cause it's not like my grandparents, cousins and friends wont get me gifts right?? And then Jesus will be happy and I'll still get gifts."
Kinda the idea we were going for - kinda : )
Posted by Mandy at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shane and I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary : ) Feels like we've been together a lifetime and that was meant in a good way. I've never known someone to know ME - Mandy Leigh - inside and out the way he does. We were laughing about the way our story I'm sure is told - it's an unlikely fit to be sure. If you dont know the how, whys and whos just ask it's a fun story to tell - too much to write.
For our anniversary we went out to dinner in Houston at a wonderful Japanese restaurant - wonderful food! It was nice to have a special date night with my honey. The traditional gift for the 2nd anniv is cotton. Shane surprise me with a wonderful blanket. It's not just any blanket, it has 2 of our wedding photos on it in black and white. The large photo is of our last dance at our wedding and then at the bottom right corner there is a photo of Shane Grace and Me doing our sand unity ceremony. IT"S BEAUTIFUL!! What an awesome gift! We are truly blessed to be a family! I love you baby and can't wait to see what you'll come up with in the next 48 + years!!
Posted by Mandy at 7:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
What were you thinking???
Okay let me start this with... we are fine - no one was hurt in the making of this blog report HOWEVER.... someone should have been. Okay so we have had a busy but kinda normal day. Grace had school, Alex had 15 month check up ( he's good - big and tall!) then Grace had ENT check up ( tubes are out hearing is good! ) Grace had dance at 6:30 and this is where the story begins or police report as it were. So 6:30 drop Grace off at dance and swing by Shane's work to get some love and a diet coke he he. Alex and I hang out there for about 15 min just visiting with Shane and enjoying we each other a little bit. So, kisses given - Alex and I head home it's about 6:55. I turn onto our street to see someone - male or female not really sure - wearing all black and carrying a flashlight walk into my back yard - I KNOW!! RIGHT?? WHAT THE????? SO I stop kinda shocked. It's late - dark - I have Alex in the car???? So I call Shane - no answer ( he was on a call) so I sit for a few more moments thinking surly they will come back out - nothing! So I call 911. Which I kinda felt like I was going to get in trouble for doing to be honest - but I did it anyways. Dispatch comes on - what's your situation??? I explain and she transfers me to the LaPorte dispatch - by now I'm thinking I hope Shane's not on a call cause he'll hear this over the radio - not a good thing. So now I'm talking with the lady from LP dispatch and telling her the person is STILL back there. I'm parked in the street cause I dont want to pull into the driveway not knowing what they are doing or what they have - plus I want to see if they come out. It felt like 10 minutes - not sure how long it was and next thing I know the EMS explorer turns the corner and Shane jumps out. By now the intruder has come out of the back yard and is walking down the sidewalk and then SHE turns and starts walking towards Shane. It's a LADY walking around in all black with a flashlight going in peoples backyards..... all the while the dispatch lady is talking to me and asking me who it is if I know her on and on and on - I explain my husband heard this over dispatch and he had arrived before the police - she wanted to know who my husband was - sorry honey - hope you dont get in trouble : ) She knows him and sounded relived to have him on scene - I know I was. Come to find out the lady had lost her cat - her flipping cat and was walking around trying to find him. Seriously - doesnt she know this is Texas - people shot first and then ask questions later. By the time the cops got there all was fine - she kept walking looking for her cat - Shane had to return to his own call - he left when he heard our address over dispatch with unknown male in backyard come across the radio - poor thing! She gives a new meaning to the CRAZY CAT LADY!!! What were you thinking????
Posted by Mandy at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Gingerbread house
For the past few years Shane, Grace and I have put together a Gingerbread house using a kit. Last night we continued the tradition. Grace was very creative this years - in the past all colors had to be together, in a row and lord help us if there were fewer red than green : ) But this year she just had fun with it. Shane is in charge of the icing or glue as we call it so it doesnt get eaten before we can use it. Alex was not a happy camper during the whole process - he did not think it was right to waste all that good candy and cookies on a house we would never eat. What can I say the boy can eat! So I've posed a few pics of the process and the finished product and I think it's just beautiful!! I just love the memories that come along for the holidays! Dont you??
Posted by Mandy at 6:17 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Winter Wonderland!
Wednesday we ventured out to Santa's wonderland. If you have not been it's a most! It's located in Bryan and very much worth the drive. Shane had the whole day off so after lunch we hopped into the van - 1st road trip in the new van - and headed out. Now Santa's town doesn't open until 6:00 but Shane wanted to get ahead of all the traffic so we headed out of Houston by 2:00. We had time to kill so Shane found this really neat little stop along the way Martha's in Navasota on the internet a few days ago - so we thought we stop there, have some treats and coco and kill some time. Well after driving around the small town of Navasota a few times - we settled on a small cafe having never found Martha's. Brownie, ice cream, coco and coffee - yummy stuff and snow!! It started snowing by the time we hit Fairfield. Grace was so excited - and I have to say so was I. Having grown up in VA, I love the snow. And there's just something about the first snow.... so we finish up and head back out to highway 6 - headed toward Bryan and there's Martha's... next time Martha next time! We arrive at Santa's Wonderland about 45 min early - which usually is a good thing cause they are ALWAYS so busy - not so much on a snow filled 28 degree full moon night. Oh well more coco and fun for us. We see Santa - without a line! So much fun! We ride the hayride - very very cold but so worth it! Poor Alex looked like the little brother from the Christmas Story - Randy. He couldnt put his arms down and everytime he went to look at something his eyes were covered by the scarf- lol! But he loved the snow!! He kept leaning back and letting the snow fall onto his face - very exciting. Grace made snow balls and a little snow man. We went into the petting zoo, had a cowboys dinner and went into the cute little shops. By 8:30 we were done and cold. We bundled up in the van and headed out. The kids crashed and we hit detour after detour thanks to the snow. We hit LaPorte at 11:30 and saw that it snowed just as much at home as it did in Bryan! Wonderful memories were made and some continued! Oh what fun......
Posted by Mandy at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In all things give Thanks
I give thanks for my God. Without His grace and unfailing love - I would be lost.
I give thanks for my husband. Without his devotion to this family, many things would change. Without his love for me and the kids we could not live the truly blessed life we are living. WIthout his friendship I would not truly know me.
I give thanks for my children. WIthout Grace I would not know true patience - she tests them daily. Without Alex I would not know endurance - he's the little engine that could... and he does. Without them I would not know what the product of love looks. WIthout them I would not know understanding and growth. Without them I would not know laughter through tears.
I give thanks of my family - old and new. Without them I would not know how I need to love.
I give thanks for my friends. WIthout them I would not be complete.
I give thanks for day light savings time. WIthout it I would not be writing this blog. Don't judge me - it's been a long day and they cant tell time!!! 6:30 is very close to 7:30 - Night Night!
Posted by Mandy at 4:44 PM 1 comments
One corner at a time!
Months ago I wrote about my "issue" with clutter. Not being real with myself - having thought well I dont work now so my house will magically become organized and gorgeous - some of you need to stop laughing now : ) We'll things in "REAL" time dont work that way - AT ALL!! So this is where I tell you it's coming along. Slowly and I mean slowly - I am reclaiming the corners of my home. For some reason I feel the need to have stuff in every corner of this house - really come look - well not really cause I'm not done and you know how it gets when you really clean one area then another area turns into the disaster for you to turn to?? That's kinda our house at the moment - LOL just kidding - kinda - just dont go into the office!
So here's my pic of the newest corner I have overcome. For some of you, this looks like a normal event - a clean, uncluttered corner of a bedroom. OH but NO!! This is huge in the life of Mandy and poor Shane. I'm making it sound bad I think - our house is not dirty there's just "stuff" everywhere. I dont like to get rid of anything. In fact Shane and I have had to work on him asking me if I want to "keep this or that." Little hint - my answer will always be yes! If I think that someone might need that for some art thing or school thing or just what if project I will keep it - for YEARS!!!!!!! YEARS!! So slowly I have been going through closets - 6 bags of clothes later - ummm yeah just my clothes - 4 bags of toys - 3 bags of baby items - 2 boxes of dishes - 1 huge box of books and a partridge in a pear tree. It's a win win. I'm getting back "order" in my life and hopefully before it's too late to teach it to my kids and helping out others who don't have things they might need as all items are in good shape and taken to local outreach programs. It's a process but I'm getting there : ) Thank goodness my hubby is loving and understanding and hasnt thrown my stuff out long before now! Happy sorting friends!!
Posted by Mandy at 7:27 AM 1 comments