Here's a little story to make you laugh. I said I was not going to post this on the blog but really it's just part of our day and life and if I'm to be judge by anyone - bring it on!! The other day we were all sitting around the table after another fine meal by your's truly was made ( ie McD's for dinner) stop stop it is tough being mother of the year but what can I say??? jk - ok - so Grace got a toy pony in her happy meal and I was just kinda holding it and then for some reason I smelt it's hair - dont ask - and I said to Shane - spelled rather - this pony's hair smells like P - O - T. He smelled disagreed we went on with our other conversations. The next day it was just the kids and I and Grace picked up the pony and smelled her hair - she was paying more attention then I thought and she said or spelled rather - Mom, this pony's hair smells like P-I-S-S.
WHAT?????? So here's the explanation now that you've wiped the tears from your eyes from laughing so hard.... she learned a few weeks ago to spell KISS but she remembered I started my spelling to Shane with the letter P so she was just trying to agree with me and spelt PISS. So lesson learned.... no more spelling in front of Grace! ah it's the little things in life right???
8 years ago
So funny...especially because we just had the word "piss" surface in our life and I blogged about our little discussion. Check it out under "Life's little lessons" I don't care who you are, stories like these are great and worth documenting. Our kids will look back later and just laugh!
I saw your story too! Funny funny - she didnt even know she had spelled anything was the best part. I guess I made a face and she said what did I spell Mom? Am I in trouble?? I said no hon let's just stop spelling for a bit : ) Our kids are too cute! I love reading your blogs : )
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