Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Classic Rock

Thought you guys might get a kick out of seeing the kids dancing the night away. Mom, Dad, the kids and I went to eat this weekend in Kemah at a wonderful new Greek place - next to The Monkey Bar. It was such a nice day we ate on the patio. As luck would have it, a live band was playing on the patio of the Monkey Bar next door so we got to enjoy it was well. I took 3 different videos and each one is worth the viewing I promise. The first one is of Alex and it's very short. He love love loves to dance and here he is dancing HARD and then hits his head.... HARD. He was fine as you will see in the video to follow - it was the same song just to prove he did not have a severe head trama.

As you can see in the next video it's Alex again - only this time I moved his chair out away from the table :)

The last video is Grace in all her dancing glory. One word... WOW!

Hope you enjoy cause we had a blast watching the two if them.


MommyGirl said...

Still laughing too hard to type...first chance I've had to watch these. I've seen you dance--now I've GOT to watch Shane...where do they get this from?? :)

Mandy said...

lol its it so funny!!!! Grace is very much a performer and now Alex is following closely behind :) He loves to dance - it started even before he could walk. So much fun!! Oh and I changed the setting on the other post so maybe now you can leave a comment :) loving you big!!!

Gulley Gang said...

Love, love loved the videos! So cute of them dancing! I also love the new photo of you have them together. Your kiddos are just too precious!